Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is the Best Way to Control Gout Problem?

The best way is the hardest way. We are living in a fast moving society which, somehow, makes us become less patient and we tend to want something instantly. Most gout patients are always in search of a magical solution that can take away their toe or joint pain once and for all. The sad truth is, there is no magic pill to cure gout.

Usually doctors will prescribe allopurinol for those patients who are having rising uric acid level in the blood. Allopurinol act like a suppressant that minimizes the formation of uric acid in the body. Just like anything in life the more you suppress, the stronger it bursts in the end.

Thus far, the most effective way to control gout is to change your lifestyle habit and diet. It might sound easy at first but when it comes to doing it, most people fail. This abundant world is full of temptations and it is hard to suppress our desire when we see nice yummy food in front of us. If it is so easy, why there are so many obese people waste money on those diet pills and slimming programs?

Gout is a direct result of too excess uric acid in the body and the attempt of trying to remove those unwanted acids is as hard as (or harder) trying to lose weight. Excess weight can be seen or measure with a scale, but it is not so for uric acid. There is no way you can tell how much excess acid is in your body, normal blood tests or pH test can only give you a glimpse of the tip of and iceberg.

Water could the best way to control or even cure gout. At least 60% of our body is made of water and most acids are water soluble. Thus, drinking plenty of water by increasing the frequency (not gulping gallons at shot) and you will slowly flush away the excess uric acid. For much better result, you should consider in a good unit of water processor that produces water with high alkalinity and suggested in one of my books.

Here is the latest discovery of gout cures? Visit today for more information!

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